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1. Conatains 6 cards!
1.Soul Absorption
2.Inferno Tempest
3.Return from D.D
4.D.D Dynamite
5.Lava Golem
7.Ancient Rules
activate soul absorption , activate ancient rules putting lava golem on their side of the field, activate scape goat, put 1 att mode, set inferno tempest and dd dynamite and return from dd, they att 1 token lose 3000, activate inferno tempest, card are removed, gain life points(soul absorption) activate return from dd and dd dynamite!
2.Pretty Much the same but use ancient rules to summon dark magician of chaos, activate soul absorption and activate solemn wishes gaining 100 LP every turn if you destroy a monster!
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It wont work. Once you summon lava you cant activate scapegoat either.
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neither of those work because ancient rules can only special normal monsters, not to mention the huge number of faults in game mechanics on that point
if you want an absorbtion move, then use absorbtion + macro cosmos/dimension fissure/banisher of the light/radiance
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um lets see lava golem is on your opponets feild to start and scapegoat is on your feild so you can still use it
but whatever
next solem wishes has you gain everytime its your draw phase and soul absorption has you gain when a monster is sent to the graveyard.
so this could work but its kinda hard to pull off.
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6 cards is way in one combo its to hard to pull of and lava golem counts as your summon so you cant yous scape goatsand ancient rules only works on normal monsters read the card
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this doe not work
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i don%26#039;t think dd dimemight would work in the 1st 1 but you%26#039;d still win 10/10
2ed 1 dud i don%26#039;t get that!
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