Rate this mexican pop band scale 1-10...do they have the potential to be a hit in the U.S?
Rate the band...scale 1-10?
omg, I hope they die.
Rate the band...scale 1-10?
sure why not, there are enough spanish speaking people living here.
Not my cup of tea though, I must say
Rate the band...scale 1-10?
Rate the band...scale 1-10?
I don%26#039;t like POP but for pop i guess i would give it a 6 for pop the girl was hot
Rate the band...scale 1-10?
I don%26#039;t know Spanish.
their lead singer sucks, her voice is way too high pitched.
The drummer sucks.
The dancers suck.
Rate the band...scale 1-10?
uhhhh....a 2...well i would like it if i had any idea what theyre saying...kinda reminds me of britney spears...at least the girl!
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