i am thinking about bringing this to regionals what should i use and not use. plz rate.
1x enishi
2x shogun shien
3x zanji
2x nisashi
2x yariza
2x yaichi
2x irou
2x kamon
1x grandmaster (all i have right now)
1x cardtrooper
2x cyber dragon
3x reinforcements of the army
2x shrink
2x ebon steed
1x heavy
1x MST
2x lightning vortex
2x warrior returning alive
2x sakuretsu
1x mirror force
1x torrential tribute
1x ceasefire
1x compulsory evacuation device
Rate this deck should i bring to regionals?
if you are trying to make a six samuri deck u will hav to make it make it a full on six samuri deck because six samuries effects only work when you hav a six samuri on your side of the feild so u hav a greater chance and no dont take this deck to regionals try and make a theme e.g earth, warrior, gladiator beast. and then work ur way throw you hav preety good traps and a few good spells so yay also add a grand mole cyber dragon and sangan to your deck they are very good cards on locking your opponent HOPE THIS WORKS!
Rate this deck should i bring to regionals?
use 3x grandmaster. if you don%26#039;t have %26#039;em, don%26#039;t use the deck. seriously, six samurai do NOT work with only 1 grandmaster. it makes the whole deck work.
-2 ebon steed
-1 nisashi
-2 yariza
+2 spirit of the six samurai
+1 morphing jar
+2 grandmaster
spirit of the six samurai is good draw power. morphing jar will refill your hand. grandmaster is a staple in the deck.
-1 reinforcement of the army (this card is only allowed at 2 per deck)
-2 ebon steed
-2 vortex
ebon steed is bad. vortex isn%26#039;t good since you%26#039;re often burning your whole hand on swarming.
+2 cunning of the six samurai - good card when used properly. can bring back the same monster you sent, so you can use yaichi effect twice, 5600 dmg with nisashi.. etc.
+1 smashing ground
+1 brain control
+1 fissure
you need easy monster removal.
-1 ceasefire
-1 compulsory
-2 sakuretsu
+1 call of the haunted
+3 bottomless trap hole
bottomless trap hole is chainable to many things. also, it rfgs the monster, not just killing it.
ceasefire and compulsory aren%26#039;t good traps. ceasefire is only good in burn decks, and compulsory isn%26#039;t even used anywhere.
oh yeah, and ignore the above answerer, you do NOT need to make it full-on. summon six samurai, special summon grandmaster, and you have its effect ready to go.
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