Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rate my Pokemon Diamond Wi-fi Battle Team! =D?

I battle sort of competitively on Wi-fi, so I was wondering, could you rate my team?

Shiny Alakazam (Makes no difference)

Leftovers for an Item.


Energy Ball

Calm Mind



Expert Belt


Ice Punch

Brick Break



Draco Plate

Double Edge

Dragon Claw



Dragonite (My best one)


Dragon Dance


Dragon Claw



Sitrus Berry/Focus Sash


Giga Impact

Dragon Dance

Hydro Pump


Focus Band

Close Combat

Flare Blitz


Swords Dance

Thats what I have right now, I also have...


Life Orb

Swords Dance

Dragon Claw




Quick Claw




Steel Wing



Swords Dance

Baton Pass


Leech Life - Switching with Bug Buzz soon

(These pokemon are all lvl 100)

Please tell me how to work all those together in a battle! Thanks!

Rate my Pokemon Diamond Wi-fi Battle Team! =D?

First, don%26#039;t give alakazam lefties. It%26#039;s going to die with or without it due to its horrible defences. I like him holding Choice Specs and having him know trick to either sweep or trick the band to a wall who doesn%26#039;t want those kinds of limitations. Also, I don%26#039;t like sub because it already has such low health, so I%26#039;d switch that with trick.

For the rest of your team, in general it looks like you have 5 physical sweepers, but some others on the sidelines. I would take out salamence, the weaker of your two dragons to stop ice from killing you, and switch that with your skarmory. Also, I would get a blissey and switch that for Gyrados to stop special sweepers. Then, put in your ninjask for either your infernape or your electivire, probably switch infernape becuse otherwise you%26#039;d have three weak to rock. Then you%26#039;ll have a really balanced team.

Here%26#039;s what you should do:

Let%26#039;s start off with ninjask. I love ninjask. Here%26#039;s my moves:

Swords dance, baton pass, u-turn, protect. w/ focus sash

It works really well because it first protects and raises it%26#039;s speed, swords dances up until they attack once, so you keep the protection of the sash, protects again, and then baton passes. Still, u-turn is useful if the other team tries to baton bass something/ you use your boosted attack to take it out before it can pass or can be used if a possible hazer/phazer is seen. Also, it is there for damage if you need it.

Then comes your big bad dragonite. It comes in either with the boost or without it. If it comes with, you don%26#039;t even need the turn to dragon dance, but should have the move if ninjask somehow fails. either way, you dragonite comes in with the sole intention of taking out everyone in it%26#039;s way. In fact, I%26#039;m not even sure it should have substitute, but that%26#039;s your decision.

Then you have blissey and skarmory. Blissey takes special hits and skarmory takes the physical ones. Blissey heal bells your ailing allies, while skarmory comes in when a physical pokemon that can%26#039;t do much to it or another pokemon that can%26#039;t stop it and lays down some spikes and roars the other team into them, also killing any BP%26#039;ers. Also is good for getting a bp from ninjask cuz he will be so much faster than anything else, so he can roar (make sure skarmory has roar) without being stopped and quick claw only further ensures that.

Then you have your special sweeper, alakazam. He basically is there to kill anything that physical attacks don%26#039;t do enough against. He comes in and does the same thing that dragonite does, but with a different means. i like alakazam with charge beam to raise spatk and cover skarmory, but, again, that is your choice.

Finally, we have electivire. He is here to also fill the role of a physical sweeper. his job is basically to cover as many types as possible in it%26#039;s four moves and it seems like you did a good job of that.

I don%26#039;t know what to rate. The six you said were on your team? I%26#039;d rate them at a 6; no variety. After my changes? 9, easily.

Rate my Pokemon Diamond Wi-fi Battle Team! =D?

Oh yeah, also, I forgot to say, my Alakazam already has high speed, and speeds out most pokemon. So, Trick wouldn%26#039;t do well... What is another move for that? Report It

Rate my Pokemon Diamond Wi-fi Battle Team! =D?

yer your team is alrite but i would get rid of most of the earthquakes there is no point having it on like 4 of your pokemon, plus it will end up hitting your team aswell, you have some really kl pokemon, with good moves, but why not put some leftovers on them.

overall 8/10

Rate my Pokemon Diamond Wi-fi Battle Team! =D?


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