I have a second attempt at a medical for the Police Cadets.
I failed first time (last week) because the doctor said it appeared I had a heart murmur but I had a private hospital appointment (for quickness) and I am fine.
On my first visit. I drank redbull (in the car park outside the police recruitment center). I was also under pressure and nervous as I knew after all the months of home interviews, formal panels.. blah blah.. it all depended on this medical if I got the job.
My initial heart rate was 93bpm resting.
(the night before that, I personally messured it [with hand on my heart and a timer basically] and got 65bpm.)
From the ground up - my medical is in a week and I want to make sure my heart rate is satisfactory for the reading.
Should I drink lots of water and eat lots of -- starting from now till then?
Should I eat lots of --- the night before?
Should I hold my breath during the reading or take big deep breaths? (to make my heart rate low)
Thanks every1
How to lower my heart rate for a medical test in a week?
First question, is why did you drink something that would raise your heart rate before the exam?
That%26#039;s probably why your heart rate was up.
What you need to do is, don%26#039;t drink or eat anything that will raise you heart rate or blood pressure. Cut down ( or eliminate) salt, or foods that have alot of sodium in them.
Cut down on the carbs, caffeine, sugar, or any other stimulant type foods.
Try meditating. I know it sounds extreme, but it will lower your BP. Try sitting in a room, no tv, no radio, no video games, etc. Close your eyes and think of a situation that is very calming. Whether it be the beach, ocean, or what ever calms you down.
That should do it.
I honestly think the only reason your heart rate was up was because of the red bull.
Stay away from it. It%26#039;s bad for you.
Good luck
How to lower my heart rate for a medical test in a week?
go running every day
How to lower my heart rate for a medical test in a week?
Don%26#039;t Drink any energy drink before going for a medical exam, it will not only raise your heart rate but can also alter the results of any urine tests. For example if you eat a Poppy seed muffin, it will show traces of opiates in your system. Opiates the trace element in cocaine. Also before your medical exam, try to think pleasant calming thoughts while taking a few slow deep breaths. This will help calm your nerves. When people are nervous their heart rate will go up.. Lay of the caffeine as much as a possible since not only is a diuretic but also a stimulant. Fruit juice, water, fruits, vegetables, low carbohydrates will help with the heart plus your health in general. The night before the exam, no strenuous physical activity. Take a nice relaxing night at home.
How to lower my heart rate for a medical test in a week?
Just a few suggestions to naturally lower your heart rate. First and easiest is to eliminate any caffeinated drinks...like Coffee, Regular Soda, Red Bull, etc. (They are considered a artificial %26quot;stimulus%26quot; for the body.) Instead substitute for what your body was designed for...water. Sugar Foods will give you a short burst of energy then a crash so I would avoid candies and sweets before you go in. Get at least 8 solid hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If you have been drinking Red Bull or caffeine on a daily basis... if possible (since I don%26#039;t want you to experience the withdrawal effects of headaches etc) Decrease these drinks over a couple of days (start drinking water also) then after that, just drink water.
Since it is so important to you to get into the Police Cadets your naturally going to feel a little nervous when going in which is normal. Everyone experiences this. On the night before make sure you get a good 8 hours sleep, the on day of your exam, eat a light meal and drink water. Listen to relaxing, calm music as you drive to your medical exam to help keep you from getting yourself worked up with anxiety. As you drive there and when your waiting to get your exam to help physically relax your body, take a gradual deep breath in your nose (mouth closed) then open your mouth and exhale slowly. Repeat 2 or 3 times in a slow relaxing manner.
A friend of mine had a habit of drinking Red Bull and complained of chest pain shortly after he would drink it. This didn%26#039;t start immediately from his first drink but shortly thereafter he developed these symptoms. He was young and had no known diseases and wasn%26#039;t taking medications. It was suggested that he stop drinking it and see if he continued to have this feeling in his chest. ...it did and he has stopped drinking it ever since.
As a police officer you want to be at the top of your game. You need to have your body in shape and your mind as well. Regular proper exercise, healthy diet low in fat (and that means avoiding %26quot;fried%26quot; things as well) and stick with drinking water.
You need strength, (wrestle those bad guys to the ground and cuff them!) endurance training (you want to be faster then them right?!), quick thinking, and quick reflexes...naturally the academy will teach you all this and more. (Weaponry, tactics, reading body language, etc)
All these things I mention will help you with a healthy life style (Just a side thought, I would have the heart %26quot;murmur%26quot; investigated further...I hope it was due to the stimulus drinks...which now I%26#039;m sure you will replace with water. ;-) Either way, I would go back and have it checked out. It may be nothing, but I would want to know.)
I don%26#039;t know where you are in your life or what you believe but you can have all these things, good health, sharp mind but you are also dealing with evil. How can you fight a battle which you cannot see? %26quot;Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil%26#039;s schemes.%26quot;Ephesians 6:11
%26quot;Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse...whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways. Proverbs 2:12:15. I hope and pray that you will come to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Even though you have your buddy looking out for you on patrol how much more would it be to have God looking out for you!? :-) %26quot;You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah%26quot; 29:13 I am very excited for you and the lives you will touch! I would like it very much if you let me know how things went and how you are doing. I will (am) praying for you! Hugs!
How to lower my heart rate for a medical test in a week?
None of your suggestions will have any affect on your heart rate. The only safe mechanism is to take regular vigorous exercise for 6-12 months at least. This is why, (pathological causes excluded), a slow pulse rate indicates long term fitness.
How to lower my heart rate for a medical test in a week?
I also have a heart murmur,I was born with it and I%26#039;m now 43,sometimes children can grow out of having a heart murmur by the time they are teenagers,but I was told last year by the heart specialist that if you go into adulthood with a murmur its unlikely it will go away,although can sometimes be undetected at certain times in routine examinations.
Heart murmurs are there due to many different causes,the scan I had revealed that the cause of my murmur was due to a floppy valve,I live everyday as anyone else without one does and I dont need medication either,its just something I live with.
And I sometimes forget I have it,but if Im stressed it usually reminds me that Ive still got it,its slightly different to the usual nervous racey feeling you get when anxious,my doctor said thats the best time to pick it up when listening as they are not always heard on every examination.
A scan would tell you for definate if you have a real heart murmour or whether its just the usual racey heart that most people get from time to time,always best to get it thoroughly checked out so you know for future reference.
I certainly wouldnt be drinking red bull prior to going in,all you need do is try and relax,get plenty of sleep,eat healthily leading up to your medical,if they %26quot;again%26quot; detect a heart murmur,get your GP to arrange a scan for you and then try move on with your life.
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